Sunday, July 24, 2016

Cara Delevingne: Celebrity Picture of the Day – ABC Online

Sunday, 07.24.2016, 18:00
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Cara Delevingne fooling around

Cara Delevingne (23) is to be game for anything. the Model This conceived itself not so seriously, proves her latest Instagram snapshot on which it can be seen along with actress Margot Robbie (26). The two make faces while keeping the middle finger at the camera. Funny detail: on their toes all small smileys are painted. “TOEMOJI TIME with Margot Robbie” wrote the 23-year-old at the picture, which has now received nearly 900,000 likes given.

The Briton and the Australian connects some time a deep friendship. As the “Inquisitr” reports, the two met at an event at Windsor Castle for the first time. As a waitress Robbie asked if she would prefer to drink water or champagne, answered these supposedly “God, I want tequila!”. Delevingne, who was standing about five feet away, grabbed the up and shouted: “Did someone just say Tequila!”

From 18 August are Cara Delevingne and Margot Robbie together in the film “Suicide Squad” on. to see the screen – Clipfish’s the trailer!

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