Thursday, June 18, 2015

Will Stefan Raab German television missing? – RP ONLINE

Dusseldorf. At 48, Stefan Raab goes into the TV-retirement. He has always been successful, even if his ideas were sometimes controversial.

Yes, by Leslie Brook

Stefan Raab has a whole generation hearty, mocking laughter taught. After “RTL Samstag Nacht” was closed in 1998, found that today early-30s from 1999 at “TV Total” a new late-night home. Raab is bold and brave, he is overflowing with ideas, anything he tackles, he does with ambition, passion and perseverance. He expects others to never do anything that he would not dare even himself. He is simply too good for anything. And he knows how to gild everything. No one has the German private television in the past 20 years thanks to so many innovations such as the Cologne entertainer.

Not all of it is necessary to find good, you can say it’s stupid to shut down with an Asian frying pan Tobogganing or to stage a children’s birthday party as an adult duel 347 minutes, but one must let Raab: The journeyman butcher from Cologne-Sülz has managed to become a brand. Lena Meyer-Landrut at the latest victory in the Euro Vision Song Contest (ESC), he has built a monument. And even after 16 years omnipresence at ProSieben he takes more million viewers for a – so far can not say that his zenith was passed to

As much Raab become the workhorse of ProSieben and how big. gap is that he leaves behind, the share of the Munich private station makes it clear that she slumped yesterday morning by 1.25 percent to around 41.60 euros. Stefan Raab has given 15 primetime shows annually ProSieben. 132 editions of “TV Total” he moderated alone in the past television season. There were five episodes of “Schlag den Raab” and other events such as the “Wok World Championship”, the “TV total high diving” or the “Stock Car Crash Challenge”. But Raab was never just presenter, he is also businessman, he owns 25 percent of the Cologne production company Brainpool, and he has earned a lot of money in recent years – probably enough now to say: Enough. Because as much as he himself is in the public, as much as he shields his family. Private is private to him.

Raabs complete farewell to 48 years is so categorically as anything he has done before. All or nothing. From 100 to zero percent. Maybe it’s getting bored. Still, it is hard to believe that he will succeed, no longer mingle. In the spirit you see him come back in a few years, as a kind of Ralph Siegel – only successful – with an ESC-song or as of, the 2020 “Wetten, dass ..?” reawakened.

Maintaining the success of Raab formats without him, is a great challenge for ProSieben. There you have indeed a plan for 2016, it is that one wants to announce at an appropriate time. But as to look like is hard to imagine: Jumping Joko and Klaas a? If Elton successor at “TV Total”? If transmitter returnee Lena Gercke be permanently present? Or is there at the end was more repeats of sitcoms? ProSieben without Raab – it’s like “Shame or Cash” without a winner

No, by Gianni Costa

Stefan Raab has revolutionized the German television safe.. He has shaken a dusty entertainment duly. From 1993 rotzfrecher Blödel Barde with the music channel Viva Ukulele, then since 1999 with late-night talk show on ProSieben. Sometime Raab has unfortunately ceased to be Raab. He has become one of the comfortable in the industry. At one of them, he once startled. High time to draw a line.

His listlessness seen particularly well in the format “TV Total”. So far in 2179 expenditures have been made of it. At least 1,500 Pounds. Since a while there is a “loveless units produced television scrap” as “Spiegel Online” diagnosed, degenerated – with Raab as unmotivated hosts four times a week. Even Harald Schmidt in his most destructive phase at Sat.1 and later on ARD saw more joy to stand in front of the camera.

Raab, 48, is used to slide down the banister into the studio. Jeans, wrinkled shirt (to emphasize its permeability never tucked in), old jacket. He pulled out a trowel under the movable table, chose the favorite of the week, has introduced the “Pulleralarm” for obscenity on TV, was “Raab in danger” and had top stars in the show. Those who wanted to watch a movie or a CD to sell better, no longer needed at Thomas Gottschalk “Wetten, dass ..?” On the – bored couch, but received at Raab the opportunity to come closer to the target group. 60 per cent market share among 14- to 49-year-olds had a good argument for him. The rate has fallen rapidly. For Raab Gottschalk, the Musikantenstadl or Euro Vision Song Contest was important in order to show, as verschnarcht is the public idea of ​​entertainment in prime time

Raab got himself a relentless enemy:. The internet , For many, the end of the linear television (TV only one channel) has begun. The new idols of young people are on the net Stars. With faster, crazier, bolder ideas. About these platforms Joko Winterscheidt, Klaas Heufer circulation and Jan Böhmermann have grown. You have Raab long outdated. At ProSieben Joko and Klaas get now more on the thick Raab cake. The transmitter had surrendered too much of his think tank. Today, no one entertains on a school playground on the Yawn gags from Butcher son Raab but there are the videos of “Circus Halli Galli” (Joko & amp; Klaas) and “Neo Magazine Royale” (Böhmermann) rumgezeigt on the phone. There are better shows. Raab acts against such a depleted teacher who no longer preparing for years of service to the next lesson. Only in shows like “Schlag den Raab” grabs him of ambition -. Unfortunately more a infomercial

What you will not miss certainly is his tendency to get rich on other missteps. Their personal rights are Raab usually matter. But who even comes close to him, met with his lawyers. His victims are rare with him on an equal footing. He once bullied a student named Lisa hole on some broadcasts. She struggled and successfully fought in court for pain and suffering of 70 000 €. Raab was worth the cheap laughs. How are its victims? No matter! A good joke makes people laugh, not to cry. The difference has never understood Raab. Luckily so is soon closing



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