Saturday, June 20, 2015

He was 90 years: suddenly collapsed – US writer James … – ABC Online

Saturday, 06.20.2015, 14:44
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The US -Bestsellerautor James Salter is dead. Salter broke in the middle together in a physical therapy session and died, reported his wife. Recently, he had celebrated his 90th birthday.

The American writer is reportedly died shortly after his 90th birthday. As the “New York Times” reported Salter died on Friday. This had confirmed his wife. According to the report Salter had suddenly collapsed and died during a physical therapy session. The bestselling author was in early June have turned 90 years old.

had born in New York on June 10, 1925 writer for a time in the military since the 50s, among others, with books such as “A play and a Pastime “and” Light Years “successes celebrated. Also screenplays he wrote, among other things, for the published in 1969 film “Downhill Racer” with Robert Redford. But the work for Hollywood have sobered him quickly, Salter said a few years ago in an interview with the German Press Agency. “Oh, what a waste. You have to write so many scripts and only one-fourth or one-fifth of it is implemented. After a while you will be discouraged.”

2013 he succeeded with the novel “Everything is” again a bejubeltes by critics work. As a “grand success” is designated for example, the “New York Times”. But despite all the critical acclaim it never managed Salter in the very first row of the US writers such as Philip Roth, John Updike, who died in 2009 or Jonathan Franzen, but has always been considered “writers for writers” – even if he rejected the decision. “It suggests yes, that I would write about good, which seems ridiculous to me.”

The multi-award-winning Salter, who spent most of the year last in a small house in the New York suburb Nobel Bridgehampton on Long Iceland was twice married and leaves behind four children and four grandchildren. The “New York Times” had recently “Rushmore Mount for writers” praised him in what the author had always sober rejected. “Life leads to pages, if it ever is going somewhere.”

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