Thursday, June 18, 2015

Elton: What actually says Elton for Raab-bye? – ABC Online

Thursday, 18.06.2015, 14:48
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With the departure of Stefan Raab is a TV era to an end. Colleagues and fans reacted partly in shock at the unexpected withdrawal plans of Entertainers. Duration trainee Elton also is no exception.

Stefan Raab (48) announced his farewell television and the media world is upside down. But what keeps real time trainee Elton (44) of the plans of his boss? “I can not and will not comment at the moment on the big news,” wrote the 44-year-old on his Facebook page. “Except: Thank you for a great time !!!!”

He now looked forward to everything still comes to the end of the year. With one exception: the “TV total high diving”. One of the numerous competitions that Raab had built from scratch and the Elton willy-nilly have to deny. “Even if I were sitting in a wheelchair would, Stefan since boot and down nudge me. I have no choice, “Elton told once spot on news in an interview.

Look at MyVideo the highlights from Stefan Raab’s cult show” TV Total “

Elton alias Alexander Duszat emerged since 2001 in” TV total “as a show intern on. That he is also dubbed 14 years later still as Raab trainee, does not interfere with the 44-year-olds. “That’s my career, that’s perfectly okay. So I have no problem at all “, Elton spot on news said.

In addition, the two connect a” very good boss-employee relationship, “he says further. “We now drink no coffee together regularly, but we are very often seen in the company. Then we chat often with each other, exchange ideas about our ideas or problems. “Whether Raab has probably told his protege by its withdrawal plans?

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