Saturday, April 2, 2016

Media: Tatort – Mia san jetz there where it hurts – ABC Online

Sunday , 03.04.2016, 00:01
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If you want a 25-year-old service anniversary celebrates, the expected flowers, warm words, maybe a wet handshake. The Munich “Tatort” -Kommissaren there to celebrate the other hand one murder after another -. And an espresso

“How long are we doing this now already?” asks inspector Ivo Batic quite at the beginning of the new “Tatort” episode of Munich entitled “Mia san jetz there where it hurts”.

“too long,” replies his colleague Franz Leitmayr. And: “If I what hate ‘, then as a service anniversary – and possibly as a g’schissenen champagne now.”

The Munich “Tatort” -Ermittler celebrate a quarter of a century in the service, making them the longest-serving incumbent Commissioners by Lena Odenthal (Ulrike Folkerts) in Ludwigshafen. 25 years, it is now since that the actor Miroslav Nemec and Udo Wachtveitl first appeared as commissioners duo on German cult thriller. “Animals” was the film at that time. It was about the murderous confrontation between opponents and supporters of animal experiments, and the murder victim was conveniently killed by the bite of a combat dog.

dozens of cases around “Love, Sex and Death” (1997), “strong beer” (1999), the “Viktualienmarkt” (2000) and was followed by “the last Wiesn” (2015). According to the Bavarian broadcast since taking office of the investigators more than 150 people in Munich “Tatort” died – that’s an average of more than two deaths per episode. Seven assistants, the most durable among them Michael Fitz as Carlo MENZINGEN have worn the Commissioners here. . Currently in service, the number eight, Ferdinand Hofer is as calluses

Batic and Leitmayr had in all the years of eight love stories: Batic a relationship and seven affairs Leitmayr three relationships and five affairs. And there were also notable cameos -. Including Rio Reiser, Bela B. from the doctors, Rudolph Moshammer, Karl Moik and Die Toten Hosen

Although having the two actors did not like all the stories of how they interview the ! German Press Agency say (Nemec: “” Midsummer night’s dream “was really bad” / Wachtveitl “was Miserabel the (…) Awful I found” sound of dead things, “or as the named – an esoteric scene! “), are the two most popular investigators in ARD-cult format.

According to the survey of the polling institute YouGov from last year gave 5 percent of respondents” Tatort “fans Munich as their favorite team. This is third behind the unbeatable Munster duo Thiel (Axel Prahl) and Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) (31 percent) and the investigators from Cologne (9 percent).

And now, as such, they are celebrating the fact joyous occasion of a company jubilee with a gloomy story, reminiscent of the spectacular “disposable Girl” episodes from the Hanover “Tatort”. In “Mia san jetz there where it hurts” is about the murder of a young, Romanian prostitutes – a routine case, which seemed to be actually released. The confessed killer was found and convicted quickly. Leitmayrs simple explanation: “Milieu, Ivo, heard before: He blue, needs money, she blares, the end.”

But soon fall to inconsistencies and serious estimation error, and Commissioners roll the case on again, to close up for what they once failed. Thus they appear, however, a tragedy on an unprecedented scale off and must soon ask the question whether they would not prefer to let the fingers of the story.

“Sometimes worse one thing that you really want to fix, by repair attempts, “says Wachtveitl the dpa interview. “But this finding also goes so far that you can rely on a determination of time and no longer seeks for the truth?” Nemec adds: “But what can not be a real issue in our profession. For the police, or for us, this question does not arise. “After so long, the boundaries between role and actor seem to blur.

As a friend of a young Romanian prostitutes, the girlfriend of the murdered, Max of which is to see Groeben. by Jella Haase guest appearance in Dresden He who played the “Danger” in “F * ck You, Goethe” is already the second youngster from school comedy, which it verschlägt to the “crime scene”. “My two colleagues, Commissioners, playing for 25 years together and are of course an incredibly good team – even privately,” says von der Groeben dpa. “They have a very good relationship.”

At some point in the film sitting Commissioners velvet wizard then briefly together and drink an espresso – Champagne there are not. “We found that this little scene in which are all gone and the commissioners with espressos from paper cups abut, well, so you can see: it is about the work and not about partying,” says Nemec. “A bit of it has to do with us, as we are sitting here and all the press comes and makes us aware that we now have 25-year anniversary. And we think: Is good now, let us continue to work times. Let’s be good. “


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