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Media: “Tatort” -Jubilare Nemec and Wachtveitl: “Miserable was the” – ABC Online

Sunday , 03.04.2016, 06:00
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For many, a 25 -years anniversary to celebrate. But the actor Miroslav Nemec and Udo Wachtveitl are differently: To their service anniversary as Munich “Tatort” commissars keep the ball low. They openly talk about good cases and bad cases.

It is now 25 years ago that Miroslav Nemec (61) and Udo Wachtveitl (57) with the film “Animals” for the first time as Munich “Tatort” commissars on television appeared.

More than 70 episodes later this anniversary on Sunday (3.4., ARD) “jetz da Mia san where it hurts” celebrated with the result – quitting they do not think. In the interview, the German press agency in Munich, the two actors speak about the significance of the anniversary, champagne and young, female “Tatort” -Konkurrenz from Dresden

Question:. Franz Leitmayr says in the film his service anniversary of 25 years does not interest him and champagne he would not. Got the personally so

Answer Udo Wachtveitl:? This was because down the Leitmayr in the mouth and this is an answer to the question of how and with the fact that Batic Leitmayr and not only Nemec and Wachtveitl have to do with each other for 25 years, bypasses. We went for this shortened, decided small, minimalist design. We cheat in the film not drumrum, let’s do it, but it’s a bit of reluctant Provided mandatory duty. This fits very well with the case and that fits us. Although I have nothing against champagne’ve personally. However, it need not be a long-running celebration. If I may drink it quickly, it is better for me.

Answer Miroslav Nemec: You have also at home this recording with pop, so the neighbors think you would ever drink champagne … But yes, we found this little scene well, in which all gone and Commissioners with espressos from paper cups abut. So you see: It’s about the work and not about partying. A bit of it also has to do with us, as we sit here and all the press comes and makes us aware that we now have the 25th anniversary. And we think: Is good now, let us continue to work times. Let’s be good

Answer Wachtveitl: The difference of course is that Batic and Leitmayr in the story really worked 25 Years – with us those were only four months a year.. That is eight months you have time to get away from this marriage – making them perhaps stable

Question:. Is that so? Are you happy when you do not have to look for a rotation

Answer Nemec: Glad, no. But that keeps it fresh

Answer Wachtveitl. We do so many other things that turn other films make readings, writing

Question:. Any plans that you do you need to make to the three “crime scenes” in the year around. Were you the time a too restrictive

Answer Wachtveitl: Four months of the year are ideal for me. I could live with two “crime scenes” in the year, but three are really perfect. That leaves time for leisure, friends …

Answer Nemec:. … And family – there’s also still

Answer Wachtveitl: The “scene” is one of the few quality productions in the German television, where can still be experimenting. If you decide to do that, there are advantages and disadvantages, for example, that some might put a in a drawer. But that is how the carpenter that he sometimes abfräst a fingertip

Question:. Do you have favorite episodes

Answer Wachtveitl: The coincide to a large extent. We can certainly agree on “Never again be free”, “woman Bu laughs”, “Murderous fairytale” …

Answer Nemec: “The oide Depp” was great and “The Big Sleep”. I found “sad King” also good. And “We are the good”

Answer Wachtveitl. Right. But there are also some that we dislike

Question:. Which

Answer Nemec: “Midsummer Night’s Dream” was really bad

Answer Wachtveitl: Miserable was the! But he is, fortunately, already really stale and has only Skurrilitätswert. Terrible, I also found “sound of dead things,” or as the named – an esoteric “Tatort”. (Editor’s note: The film was called “Voice of dead things”)

Question: And what was it that was bad

Answer Wachtveitl? and Nemec: on Paper

Answer Wachtveitl: The film craft in Germany has become much more professional. What is not always running around, is the material development. Maybe that has something to do with certain institutional habits. The people are still not willing to pay good money for something immaterial as a good story

Question:. Now there was recently a cinema “Tatort”. Would not that be something for you

Answer Wachtveitl: Nope! Who will go for us the cinema

Answer Nemec: Why? Why? What is the point of it? When watching ten million us something, which is more than would go to the movies

Answer Wachtveitl. The really exciting things that do not need to play it safe, currently happen on television, in American series for Example. This has shifted. It is long gone so that cinema is the pinnacle, at least not here. From experimental film in German cinema nothing’s left. That there is perhaps in such a festival cycle. But that would make me the claim also produces too little, a film that does not come out of this festival ghetto. If I have done something good, I want to see the many people

Question:. Observe other “Tatort” team? Do you have a Top Five

Answer Nemec: No, that would be so never say. It is with me by chance, when we look Sundays a “crime scene”. My wife looks rather pure than me, but sometimes I sit down it. The new Dresden I have seen the beginning …

Question: And how did you find the

Answer Nemec: Well. My problem is: There were three women who all have made too much a bit. Well, we have also applied too thick at the top. That’s okay. But the men: just stupid. Why? Why

Answer Wachtveitl: Well, revenge for hundreds of years women’s oppression perhaps …

Answer Nemec: Nah, that’s too much for me. Why? They did not need. A woman will not stronger when the men are stupid. A weak opponent is not a good opponent

THE PEOPLE:. Miroslav Nemec and Udo Wachtveitl can be seen for 25 years as “Tatort” commissars Ivo Batic and Franz Leitmayr. They are among the longest-serving “Tatort” team. “Animals” was her first “Tatort” case and was broadcast on 1 January 1991st Dozens of other cases around “Love, Sex and Death” (1997), “strong beer” (1999), the “Viktualienmarkt” (2000) or followed “The last Wiesn” (2015).


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