Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sorrentino’s new film “Youth”: Great feelings: Michael Caine stirred in Cannes … – ABC Online

Thursday, 05.21.2015, 09:21
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His acting career takes more than six decades and he is still enthusiastic. Director Paolo Sorrentino presented his new movie legend Sir Miichael Caine in Cannes. Its presentation to tears

After his Oscar-winning. “La Grande Bellezza – The great beauty” is director Paolo Sorrentino returns to Cannes. His biggest Star: of the 82-year-old Sir Michael Caine. The press conference is long gone. Jane Fonda and Harvey Keitel are already gone. Michael Caine but is still there. Surrounded by dozens of fans are the 82-year-old on Wednesday at the Cannes Film Festival patiently signing autographs and posing for photos.

It is clearly aged. The hair thinning, his shoulders slightly bent, the transition somewhat uncertain. And yet excited the British acting legend moviegoers still -. This time touching to tears representation in the Cannes competition entry “Youth”

glide like the noise through life

Caines acting career began over 60 years ago. He was the seducer, the daredevil, later the caring father figure. But now, with 82, he can in “Youth” life pass in review: Fred is celebrated conductor retired. In a Swiss Alps hotel he meets his longtime friend Mick (Harvey Keitel, 76), a film director. Eventually another is added by the Stars (Jane Fonda)

Like already in his Oscar-winning Rome epic. “La Grande Bellezza – The great beauty” leaves the Italian director Paolo Sorrentino’s protagonists partially in a frenzy glide through their lives. Interwoven with daydreams and flashbacks to the past designs of the Italians against the imposing mountain backdrop so once again a visually stunning work full of small impressions and great feelings

“This is the only subject that really interests people. Time, the passes and how much time we still have, “Sorrentino told his approach. The 77-year-old Fonda, with their teased hair and bright red fingernails still the diva of the past, focused on aging. “If you have passion in your life, you stay in the mind young and vital.” So be it, at least for her.

Caines nuanced drama fascinated

The most lasting impression leaves you with all the But Caine. In “Youth” (“Youth”), he fascinates with his nuanced game that looks or gestures often only there. As he shares rare, loving moments with his daughter (Rachel Weisz), as he visited his living in a nursing home wife, as he marveled at the beauty of a young woman Mick.

“For me, exactly describes the youth,” the 82-year-old Caine said at the press conference on this very scene. “We look at as something that we have lost and will never have again. This is very sad, “another reason why you will not shake the feeling. Caine plays this role not only to process its own, very personal experiences. A few minutes later he takes his bright hat, stands up and walks slowly off the stage

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