Monday, September 26, 2016

“Room clear!” with the last episode: farewell party with Puffbrause – MIRROR ONLINE

What are the errors you must avoid in the last days, had Christine Westermann on Sunday asked a week ago, even Thomas Gottschalk. “You should say: friends, it was a great time,” he advised, “and not this: ‘Oh, we don’t and now we have to but wanted.’”

You can say it as: Christine Westermann and Götz Alsmann have a problem with your 700. and the final “room clear!”-Issue on Sunday evening in the CTR of the genus “farewell show” to a new Level heaved. With “two hours of whiskey, women, Cha-Cha-Cha” (Alsmann). The large dining table in the WG trimmed WDR Studio was finally occupied time, it gave Puffbrause and sausages and cake, “daily show”spokesman Jan Hofer dressed up for the picture puzzle as a “cheese hedgehog”. And then, we all were a little strack.

Everything, as always, so, only with a lot more people. A flat resolution of a party that was so so mood because of the guests had their fun. And okay, crying was

The right farewell-Timing

Otherwise, the Stuff on TV-farewell shows, Yes, approximately so: looking back, tears, looking back, a couple of guests, haha, funniest bloopers, a couple of guests, and nostalgic talk, foreign shame, bouquets, glitter bomb. So that you think, As well, that it’s finally, finally over. Followed by: Why don’t you got off easy with the last regular shipment? See: “Wetten, dass..?”, “Harald Schmidt Show”, “TV Total” or “Schlag den Raab”. In the case of “room clear!” was the jovial roommate search with Thomas Gottschalk last week, God knows it’s not been the worst goodbye.

Instead, from Götz Alsmann, with the Slogan: “Today we shoot with the biggest guns on the smallest of the sparrows.” With a “daily show”announcement as a prelude, and everything that has to offer the WDR Tam-Tam, from the radio orchestra up to the “circus Director” (Horst Pferdinand) Jörg schönborn and Director Tom Buhrow, who took on the “ultimate praise”, but, unfortunately, only Lala-phrases out Haute like: “your TV have written history.”

“It’s over-and-egg-egg!”

Anne and Oliver Welke talked with Alsmann and Westermann separately, which was not, therefore, terribly sentimental, because it was all about, why “Götzimausi” opens shortly before the shipment usually changes his pants. The Rest of the guests was a bit of a: jo, aha. What are you holding for the first time thinks if da Guido Cantz and Katrin Müller-Hohenstein, Guido Maria Kretschmer, and Mariele Millowitsch, Jens Riewa, Mary Roos, Florian Silbereisen and x, the others show up. (Just Where was actually Ex-neighbour Annemie Hülchrath, so Cordula Stratmann?)

However, the seemingly crude Mix worked – up as usual, when friends, for felt 20 years ago, sitting at a table together, shoot away with alcohol, about the old days, the time and chirps music, always on the theme of the Evening along scarring, as Hilde Knefs “I’m too tired to go to sleep”, and Laughing almost from the chair Riewa fall like Jens, when he saw Mr Hofer in the hedgehog costume.

the rumble of the reasons for the broadcast celebrated the WDR for months, a single farewell tour, favorite guests were allowed to come back for a whole show, a “Best of”Gala delivery. As Axel Prahl was the other day, and texted it to Rio Reiser’s “June moon”: “It’s over-and-egg-egg! It hurts me so, especially when I look at what I offered, otherwise, in the television see”, and Gottschalk: “We can tear this thing up again, I’m here now.”

That so many in this show have a crush on, is also due to the types of constellation Alsmann/Westermann. Inconceivable that the two were not casted, but just happen to have had time, as the WDR, in 1996, needed a summer break hole filler. West’s role was, and made a Beeline lead personally, expectant conversations, in the Alsmann brutal purely parted, and then to make the total education of citizens on the piano in house music, where in the case of guests, in spite of all the nonsense with sauce around it often pure melancholy broke through.

It was a show that was on rituals along was and in – between space for the Unexpected. The formula with the “kids birthday” is tapped as the blue of the Vintage MICS of the shipment, but it’s true: As a now 67-Year-old and a 59-Year-old, the bounce in the farewell broadcast to the ball pit, with fruit basket on head-melons between the knees transport, guests to your under pants ask. Because the two were good for nothing, other than that welcome no matter how silly you came over. So what, there was nowhere else.

Yes, a hell of a casual Saturday night show (excluding Saturday). But of course, this somewhat excessive grief is just a proxy for the nostalgia of all, remember even at the time pre-private television. The feeling had bet already in From the “Harald Schmidt Show” snuck up on me (either in “money or love”, “that…..?”, “Schlag den Raab”), but now, with the end of this in the third program maintained Faktotums, it seems to be so far. Linear Television? Pff. Let’s be honest, we all look for a maximum late news, “the scene of the crime”, the Grand Prix Eurovision, and football live. And the Rest of the way, if it fits just right.

so, soon, Netflix played through, the course is call: In the library, a whole battery of “room is parked until deep into the year 2017-free”. It would be a waste, you withdraw it all in. Also because of Götz Alsmann at the conclusion sang wisely: “in front of the television and everyone can learn it.”


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