Monday, June 27, 2016

“George was a giant”: How Germany responded to Goetz Georges death – ABC Online

Monday, 06.27.2016, 18:03
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The brash “Tatort” commissioner Schimanski was his signature role. But Götz George was much more – one of the most diverse actors of the country. And a man with many facets

Mourning Götz George:. Celebrities from politics, film and television have died with 77 years actor as exceptional artists and great character actor appreciated. “His death is an irreparable loss for the television and film art throughout the German-speaking countries,” said Culture Minister Monika Grütters (CDU). George had died on 19 June at 77 after a short illness, as his agent announced in Berlin late on Sunday.

For millions of viewers he was especially the consuming some “Tatort” commissioner Horst Schimanski from the Ruhrgebiet. In 32 years he played this role 48 times, on television and on the big screen, but also excelled as a character actor in many movies

Steinmeier:. Exceptional artist with a varied game

“We lose with Götz George a large German character actor, “said his colleague actor Armin Mueller-Stahl. “To me he was the best we had.”

“He was so generous, funny, talented,” said Denise Virieux (52), the more than 20 years the lover of TV investigators Schimanski played, the radio station hR1. “His energy is characteristic of him.”

Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) called George a “exceptional artist who with his versatile, profound and intense game for decades, millions of people at home and abroad abysses and backgrounds of our society laid bare “.

” A piece NRW history “

Goetz Georges last major appearance on German television is scheduled for 3 October. On the day of German Unity is the first that produced last year and not yet sent Drama “evil Weather” broadcast for the first time, as the program director in Munich announced on Monday. In the crime drama on German-German past George a playing dodgy entrepreneurs.

“Adieu, Schimmi. With Götz #George our country loses one of our great character actor,” tweeted Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD). Open-federal boss Simone Peter wrote: “A great actor with an edge, he will never be forgotten.” North Rhine-Westphalia state premier Hannelore Kraft (SPD) declared: “Götz George was a great actor full of energy and sensibility with Schimanski he has a piece NRW history written..” The Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) said: “He was a great man, a really big one for Germany.”

Schweighöfer: “RIP Götz George”

One of his most famous film roles had the born in Berlin as a gay serial killer Fritz Haarmann in “The Deathmaker” of 1995. in satires as “schtonk!” or “Rossini” George showed his comedic talent. In 2007 he was honored for his life’s work with the German Television Award. Six years later he played in the TV drama “George” his own father Henry, who has been controversial because of his acting career in the Nazi period.

“RIP Götz George”, actor Matthias Schweighofer called the dead on Facebook for – translated: rest in peace. Actress Veronica Ferres tweeted: “Shit, that hurts.” The director of the West German Radio, Tom Buhrow, said: “. Götz George was a giant of the German film”

“George has adopted in the inner circle desired”

2014 was Götz George awarded the Federal cross of merit. In July, he would have become 78 years old. His private life ever held George largely under wraps. The news of his death was given only seven days delay to the public. “Götz George has wanted an adoption in the inner circle,” it said in the statement of agent. From further inquiries should be waived out of consideration for the privacy. The “Bild” newspaper reported, George was interred in Hamburg in the family circle. For this, the agent did not make any comments

In the video. “ZDF scene with Gottschalk shows how Götz George all in memory remains”

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