Friday, April 1, 2016

ZDF has not understood Jan Böhmermann – comment – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Each institution is well advised to keep their court jesters. The staid and colorless it is, the more is the house Kasper advantage. In the end it works by itself a bit colorful. When ZDF makes this job the satirist Jan Böhmermann, and he makes it pretty good. Böhmermann led the nation by the nose by claiming a video in which the Greek politicians Yanis Varoufakis shows the finger, was a forgery of his editorial in truth. He produced an elaborate video in Rammstein-style, in which he condemned xenophobia. It occurs from time to time to as “Adi” Hitler and backbites transmitter faces like Helene Fischer or Johannes B. Kerner.

In the otherwise not overly perky ZDF program he could get away with anything, the Upper let him be as indulgent parents a naughty, but gifted child, with pride, sometimes perhaps in pain. Until this Friday, April 1, the Weltscherztag at which actually should make all everything. How ZDF announced in the afternoon, it has the most recent edition of Bohemian’s show “Neo Magazine Royale” from the library away. There she stood yesterday, as usual the day before the broadcast late on Friday on ZDF.

reason for deletion is a pilot transmitted from Böhmermann poem about the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the text to everywhere on the web , Who reads it, the decision can initially understand. Erdogan is in a “sack stupid, cowardly and uptight” denigrated as “president with a small tail” suggest that children and have sex with goats. What a stupid text.

However, if you had the chance to see the show, witnessed a quite a clever clowning. Böhmer’s poetry recital was embedded in a longer passage that dealt with Erdogan and his Brass on the NDR satire show “Extra 3″. The satirist had in a comparatively harmless ditty gespöttelt about the “Boss from Bosporus”, whereupon he einbestellte the German Ambassador.

In dialogue with his sidekick Ralf Kabelka discussed Böhmermann how far satire really should go. And at what point one seriously Zoff get with a media lawyer. Abusive criticism is forbidden, said knowledge Kabelka. So a statement by which a person is to be brought into contempt, and when it is no longer an objective discussion. To illustrate Böhmermann was then before his Erdogan poem innocently and repeatedly protesting that he would say such a thing niiiiiie. Here. In ZDF. wanted

When the audience applauded, he fended off – because it eventually, and that they should in no way be confused, does not recite the poem, but merely explains what you precisely should not recite. A bit reminded of the bigoted trick of newspapers and magazines, to show sexist or otherwise offensive photos, bearing the caption: “. We want to never see these photos’

In fact, it went in “Neo Magazine Royale” not to Erdogan. The real joke played a plane from above. Böhmermann, after all, a student Harald Schmidt explained Satire freedom by playing with her. And he sensed where this was going. In the broadcast, he surmised, this contribution could perhaps be deleted. And nothing brings an artist as much attention as the censorship of his works.

A transmitting spokesperson justified the eradication of Bohemian’s mission in the afternoon with the remark that the Erdogan-number corresponds to “not to claim that the ZDF to quality of satire program provides “. To say the ZDF was cowardly and jammed and had a small tail, would be defamatory. Maybe you just did not understand there’s Bohemian satire.


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