Tuesday, April 5, 2016

TV Column “. ZDFzeit: Queen Elizabeth II is 90″: Elizabeth slept in … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 05.04.2016, 21:05 · FOCUS editor Axel Wolfgruber
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Why Queen learned Elizabeth II. than last, that it is England’s head. Happy birthday a ZDF documentary illuminates the inner life of the 90-year-old from.

In the night of February 6, 1952 Elizabeth ascended as princess a treehouse in Nairobi and when, on the morning comes down again, she is Queen of England.

while the young lady gently slumbering while visiting the fertile colony, dies in the domestic Sandringham Castle with just 56 years her father George at the complications from lung cancer. Only Elizabeth knows nothing about it.

Code “Hyde Park Corner”

The people mourning in distant England and continues throughout the day, the flags at half-mast. But still Elizabeth has no idea that you now is the head of their country: Decoding submission that this case encrypted and long received line “Hyde Park Corner” is namely unattainable in the safe of the competent governor

. radio operator receives the message, has no idea what they mean the confused letters and numbers.

“She’s smart,”

It is not an easy task to make a documentary about a man, which we at every birthday – so every year around April 21 – learn more again and again. Least could therefore be expected that this document will be exciting. But it is actually – and not only to the film succeeds impressively demonstrate the psychological transformation of the Queen and being comprehensible in its logic

There does not even have the 90-minute version,.. which ran on Arte a few days ago. The compact class is enough. Especially since the former Prime Minister Tony Blair (to 2007 1997) strikes up the theme of the documentary at the outset: “She’s smart. She understood, should that change and modernize the monarchy. “And that’s the point.

The Queen anointed and khaki

In order to make this change visible, used the film sumptuous images can, Actor adjust scenes, scientists and witnesses to speak out and draws on historical material. The mishmash works surprisingly well. Particularly strong are the archive images from the Queen’s visit in 1961 in India, those. By a queen in khaki uniform at the wheel of a truck after the victory over Nazi Germany and the Queens Coronation besides anointing and Eid

This (more or less) undisguised shots make clear that the stubbornness of the monarch, is fed mainly from the reception of the sacraments and the experience, that the royal family has proven itself in times of WW2 as a model of the nation. Then take the Queen her vocation majestically -. Up to their end of life

Royal Feelings

During your long reign the resistant queen of their compatriots, especially because of their callousness towards daughter recognizes Diana is meanwhile seen as over tough grandmother, but also that you have to go with the more emotional zeitgeist. Otherwise, they would have put the shine and the acceptance of the monarchy in people more and more at risk.

Windsor burning

As a turning point in the royal action film has identified 1992. This is also plausible. In November burns Windsor Castle, three relationships in the royal family collapse and the Queen declared surprising and via TV their very personal discontent about. It was emotion-revelation at the court date is not necessarily a virtue.

Then dies in 1997 Princess Diana, the Queen goes to long delay on the road to the mourners, re-opens in a television address, saying sentences that must be their fallen hard, but are all the more conciliatory. “We can learn from Diana’s life a little. I am determined to preserve their memory. “2011 passes then even the political and historical reconciliation me a Ireland when they visited the country as the first monarch after 100 years and in green wardrobe.

Target missed

After just 45 minutes, the documentary has its goal actually achieved – and the viewer sees Tony Blair’s arguments concerning the beginning, “She’s smart. She has understood that must change and modernize the monarchy “

In other words:. The TV documentary holds exactly what it promised. If only one open question: Does a congratulatory documentary two weeks before the actual birthday really misfortune

Video: Helene Fischer is the waxworks – but artist make crucial errors

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