Sunday, April 3, 2016

“Panama Papers”: transactions by politicians and celebrities in tax havens revealed – ABC Online

Sunday, 03.04.2016, 21:15
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have Worldwide announced media on Sunday evening, posting sensitive information on international financial transactions through shell companies in Panama and in other tax havens. Hundreds politicians, including leaders and dictators are to appear in the documents.

  • The search apparently based on a data leak at the Panamanian law firm “Mossack Fonseca “.
  • the leak should include emails, documents, bank statements, passport copies and other documents about 214,000 companies, especially in Panama and the British Virgin Islands.
  • at the profiteers offshore services are among other twelve heads of state and 128 other politicians belong.
  • 370 journalists from 78 countries have evaluated approximately 11.5 million files.

leaders, sports stars, celebrities and criminals involved to search the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and other media in transactions with shell companies in several tax havens.

the so-called “Panama Papers” were the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” apparently leaked by an anonymous source , They allegedly contain data and documents of the law firm “Mossack Fonseca” in Panama, which is said to have founded 200,000 offshore companies. The firm is to be the world’s largest providers and managers of these companies.

As the newspaper reports, is among others a network play an important role around a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the unveiling. Known Putin had smuggled in the past years, more than two billion dollars through shell companies, they say.

documents from the data leak should have already played a role in tax proceedings against three German banks and their customers.

Largest data leak history?

A total of 370 journalists from 78 countries have evaluated approximately 11.5 million files as part of the “Panama Papers” -Recherche, report WDR and NDR.

the major part of the documents comes from the years 2010 to 2015. the oldest documents date back almost 40 years to report the ARD. it were allegedly the biggest data leak that journalists could ever evaluate.

the evaluated documents therefore include emails, documents, bank statements, passport copies and other documents about 215,000 offshore companies. Among the beneficiaries of offshore services are twelve heads of state and 128 other politicians belong, as well as international financial institutions, including 15 German banks or their daughters.

Huge assets hidden

The search of “Panama Papers” are based on a data leak at the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca. In cooperation with banks, lawyers and financial advisors Mossack Fonseca sold companies based on example in Panama or in the British Virgin Islands, allow buyers anonymous accounts and stock portfolios or hiding valuables such as yachts, art, cars and even real estate.

outwardly represent sham directors, mostly provided by Mossack Fonseca , the respective companies, reports the ARD continues the actual owner would unnamed emerge Mossack Fonseca had managed these shell companies -.. and to do so in part today

In the coming days want to “. Panama Papers “participating media apparently reveal gradually more details on victims and financial transactions.

Igor Angelini, head of the financial Intelligence unit of Europol says the” Süddeutsche Zeitung “according to that shell companies also an” important role in money laundering activities on a large scale “play. The same is true for corruption. Offshore companies would particularly used, “to forward the bribes”

This tells the Registry in Panama

The Tagesschau has a written opinion of the affected firm “Mossack Fonseca “published.

“Our company has, like many others, worldwide representative activities for professional clients (eg lawyers, banks or funds) to, in turn, act as mediators. Our work as registered agent consists solely in that we assist in the registration of companies.

Before we accept a mandate, we check this case is in a careful internal audit procedure which in any case satisfies the requirements for us and other local regulations and often surpasses. it is something completely different if one works out only the necessary applications for the registration of a society or oneself enters the so-created company a business relationship or even directs their transactions. We restrict ourselves to the registration of companies, which generally recognized as an important task will and is indispensable to allow the world economy to function efficiently.

we act in accordance with the law. Because of this, we have not even been indicted in forty years of working for criminal wrongdoing. We are proud of our work, regardless of the recent attempts by some to present them deliberately in a false light. Finally, it must be known are that many countries (the UK and the USA about) allow law that individuals or businesses in trust represent third. This is legal to 100 percent and makes an important contribution to global economic relations “

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