Saturday, April 2, 2016

An indispensable superhero: Hans Zippert explains why Genschman in and … – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

On the night of April 1 to the reported news organizations with the necessary excitement died Genschman. That sounds untrustworthy in the highest degree. Since when superheroes can die? You might dawn to go and rest at from previous exploits; but actually they are just waiting to be allowed to go into action again. So it is also with Genschman.

But the date of death report should have made suspicious. Granted, other heroes justice league are gone forever – of Mölleman, Bangeman and Haussman one has heard anything for a while. But here one must always assume that they come back to the plan to deliver justice to victory. Genschman was the first and most important superhero of the Federal Republic. In civilian life he led an unobtrusive Tarnexistenz than a simple minister of the extremes in the cabinet of Helmut Kohl (Katheterman). He was married befitting with Babs, the gene switch Girl, but that was even close friends known only as Barbara Genscher. She took care of the maintenance of the superhero outfits and did the bookkeeping and tax returns.

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Genscher sat in his time again for an increase in the commuter rate for a superhero, after all, he flew several times a day around the globe, on the hunt for criminals and rogue states. Thanks to its super hearing, which was reinforced by the legendary ear mask, he could perceive Infringements to a distance of ten thousand kilometers. 1989 Genschman first came visible in the public, seeing the terrible Waigel threatened to destroy his life’s work. It was about the legendary Ostverträge that Genschman had personally signed his Genschpen. The Waigel was a member of C.S.U., the club of super criminals and usurpers, and was planning to wipe the legendary Oder-Neisse line. His demonic appearance was because of Waigel on the run from the police had to swim through sewage an eye brewery.

The “Club”, which spread around the world fear and terror, were terrifying creatures to. Her head was the toad, a being of antimatter and alcohol, which hid in civil life behind the name as common Franz Josef Strauss. But the Tandler, potato (aka Ignaz Kiechle) and The Stoiber made Genschman life difficult. For Justice League were next Mölleman and Genschman also The Visible (aka Stoltenberg), the gnome (aka Blum) and the Todenhöfer who provided the heroes of the Justice League directly from Afghanistan with the substance which gave them their super powers. The favorite song of Justice League was, not surprisingly, “Eight Miles High” by the Byrds, who were also a supergroup.

How do I all really knows? I was, together with Christian Y. Schmidt, chronicler of the adventures of Genschman. We worked for the superhero magazine “Titanic” and had learned by chance of the double life of the Minister of extremes. The signatories Achim Greser and Heribert Lenz held the most dramatic scenes the image. And at the end of the super villains of CSU landed again where they belonged, namely in the afgs, the institution for mentally ill criminals Super. Unfortunately it must be said that the C.S.U. has again raised in recent months his terrible master. The walls of the institution could no longer keep the villains. Under the leadership of Seehofer they want to take power. In this context, one has to look at the message from the alleged death of Genschman: The superhero will quietly gather strength for the decisive final battle of good versus evil. Because it is still the maxim: “There can be no begging, no help praying, only a Save the Planet: Genschman” (line from the anthem Genschman the group “Scheel” with Bela B., Rod Rodriguez, Wiglaf Droste and the “Titanic” editorial).


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