Saturday, February 20, 2016

On the death of Umberto Eco: researchers and detective at the same time – Tagesspiegel

18:54 From Gerrit Bartels <- self.position: 1 -> <- classid: hcf-center -> <- position: center -> <- textposition: hcf text-left -> <- inisprint: false -> <- inhaspic: true ->

also semiotic insights can tell like a thriller: The Italian writer and great intellectual Umberto Eco has died. An obituary.

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As Umberto Eco center the fifties of the last century wanted to finish his studies in philosophy and literary history in Turin, his thesis supervisor was initially not happy about what Eco since offered him as a thesis. Not because of the subject and the findings of its research, Eco had written about the problems of the aesthetic of mobile workers in the 13th century church teacher and scholastic Thomas Aquinas his dissertation. No, but in what form this work

It was drafted. From “narrative deception” said the supervisor, from the fact that Eco told the story of his research on Aquinas as “a detective novel” and this really do not go. Eco was appreciated, he wanted to finally obtain a PhD, but this insight was short-lived. For soon after this conversation he thought that actually “all research results in the world would have to be told in this way”: a thriller, a detective story. This became his lifelong credo

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Narrated has Eco this story from his life in the book “confessions of a young writer”, which appeared in this country on his 80th birthday, based on a series of lectures, which he had held for a few years at the University of Atlanta, Georgia.

the title is reminiscent of an autobiography, but told Eco is especially like his five published hitherto novels came about: books of a writer who was at the Eco until the age of 48 years when in 1980 he made his debut ” the name of the Rose “presented. The novel about a series of murders of monks in the 14th century has been translated into many languages ​​and a bestseller. Of course, Umberto Eco, in his acceptance Questionnaire also how he got the idea for this scholarly medieval thriller and monastery Crime

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on the one hand he had one day the name of a few monks recorded on a paper and were thinking that it might be “pretty” to poison a monk, while this is going to read a mysterious book and if and to develop in a novel. On the other had occurred to him again, as he had once lost age of 16 in the library of a Benedictine monastery near Rome, while an old tome on a lectern was angesichtig: “Leafing through this huge band (…) I must something like have felt a shudder. More than thirty years later, appeared this horror from my unconscious again. “

1975 was Eco in Bologna the first Italian Chair of Semiotics

So swallowed-labyrinthine how many of the Eco in his novels told stories is that of his academic and his writers career. Born in 1932 as the son of an accountant Alessandria in the provincial town in southern Piedmont, he experienced in the 1943 to 1945 the partisan battles, the turmoil and the end of World War II in a small mountain village with where he, among others, the fear and the time with the reading adventure and detective novels sells. With the novel “The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana” he continues this popular literature-reading many decades later a very unique monument.

He writes poetry, enters the Catholic youth, studied in Turin, and but instead to stay at the University, Eco initially worked as a cultural editor for television, the newly founded state broadcaster RAI, as a column writer and as an editor at the publishing house Bompiani. A name in the humanities world but he sets out with his study “The Open Work”, one of the still influential work on modern aesthetics, substantiating on openness as a central aesthetic category of art: the recipient of an artwork recreates this formally, only his interpretation makes it completely, giving it the ultimate importance.

his glory met Eco with pleasure, dignity and irony

1975 gets Umberto Eco as a professor of aesthetics and theory of signs, which he to this time, for some time, in Bologna the first chair of semiotics in Italy. He is dedicated to the practical semiotic research especially in the fields of aesthetics and literary theory, he tries the cultural world in its entirety with a universal character model to penetrate, he writes in his “Introduction to Semiotics:” Man (…) is a symbolic beings, and in this sense, not only verbal language, but overall, the culture, the rites, institutions, social relations, customs, etc. nothing more than symbolic forms. “

and he remembers on the experience with his supervisor and that could again turn things around once: in writing a thriller, one that is set in the middle ages, clearly because Eco who has a good here because of his studies, and in this as much character and meanings as possible grabs.

Eco’s “the name of the Rose”

from the known, especially in Italy and otherwise only in academic circles Professor and cultural Studies jack is the best-selling author Umberto Eco become who scored with “the name of the Rose” his mark when large reading public.

Eco is the name of the rose, so to speak. But he has lifted this book also the historical novel to a new level – and not least meet the fame sovereign consecutive him and with “Gentilezza”, as the Italians say, and just as with pleasure and grandeur as sufficient portions irony received self-irony and a sense managed has: always polite, always ready for detailed discussions, of a good deal in his city apartments in Milan and Bologna, not so much in his Cottage. Who was allowed to visit him there, could there not only experience a happy and much smoking man of words and characters, but just one from books, their number in his domiciles in the tens of thousands.

Eco stressed like that it is their content not only who was important to him, but to their shape and their equipment, their typography and paper, their age, their traces, their history. Why is it always was for him an experience, “an intellectual adventure of that reliving who signed it with his handwritten testimony.” What with him went so far that he, as he has described it in his book “The Art of Books loving” to CDs catalogs Parisian bookseller 19th century concerned or the book of an author who at the time of the first world war had calculated that the sewage discharge of a German was higher than that of the French and smelt the feces of Germans also poor.

“The book will remain what it is”

Yes, Umberto Eco could be funny and laugh at yourself. As a convinced linker but he understood no fun when Silvio Berlusconi successfully it made rebuild Italy to a neofascist media dictatorship. Tirelessly he told his countrymen in many articles and essays, what wrong in the country running.

For cultural pessimism but he was not given, despite Berlusconi, and the digitization chased him no fear. Their advantages he knew how to use, otherwise he said: “The book has a proven track record, and it is hard to see how one could create something better for the same purpose as just the book. Perhaps it will evolve into its components, perhaps its pages will no longer be made from paper. But it will remain what it is. “

And so it could be seen during writing books enormously productive. He wrote more novels like “The Focaultsche Pendulum” and “The Prague Cemetery”, both played in cabal, one in Italy in the seventies of the 20th century, the other in 19th century Paris, and with “Baudolino” another medieval Roman. But even more Eco published numerous semiotic-philosophical, literary and cultural critical discourse; Books such as “History of Beauty” as “lies and irony. Four readings between classical and comic “or” The Neverending List “, a poetics of the list, ranging from Homer to Warhol

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in these books
Eco understood it always delightful, measure the wide range between high and popular culture, as it proved to be in all genres as versed scholar. In it, he always seemed to be more in his element than in the novels just for “The Name of the Rose”, although, double encodings and postmodern Spiegeleien be a nice challenge with their “ideas-germ cells”, but one has the game seen through, not quite get off the ground.

as a writer, as a genuine storyteller, Eco has never been so great as an intellectual, as a character reader and Zeitinterpretierer. This is to demonstrate his last novel “zero point”, a dime-novel from the media operation of the early nineties, which is theoretically interesting in terms of semiotics of messages (of their media presentation to its staging), but in practice rather bleak. But that did not challenge him. Eco had the Roman letter he wrote to like for the day not eternity in mind for it. And anyway he knew books, whether they reveal the truth or lie: “They teach us always about the past.” In the early hours of Saturday Umberto Eco has died at the age of 84 years in Milan with cancer <- self.position eq 1 -> <- inteaserpicposition: 1 -> <- self.position: 1 -> <- classid: hcf-center -> <- textposition: hcf-text-left -> <- inisprint: false -> <- inhaspic: true ->


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