Saturday, February 27, 2016

Media: Crime Scene – House of Cards – ABC Online

Sunday , 02.28.2016, 00:01
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Young man from a poor family loves girl from a good family – and flees with him to the police. The Cologne commissioners Ballauf and Schenk determine in a high-rise estate, prevail in the own rules

Cologne (dpa) – The Cologne “Tatort” starts pretty intense. The victim is in a large pool of blood, the knife is covered with blood, the hand of the offender is dripping with blood. The hand belongs Adrian Tarrach (Rick Okon).

Previously, viewers have seen in close-up as he pushed the stepfather of his girlfriend Laura (Ruby O. Fee) the knife deep into the abdomen. But why? . The episode “House of Cards” this Sunday (ARD, 20:15) is less a classic thriller, but rather a gripping social drama

If not for the murder, it could be a romantic story: Young man from a poor family loves girl from a wealthy villas budget. Both tear out together and seek happiness. But now they are persecuted by the police, are constantly on the run – and soon there is a corpse. It’s almost a bit like “Bonnie and Clyde”. . Symbolically pursued the camera for a few seconds, as the wind swirls an empty plastic bag through the air

The Commissioners Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt) and Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär) determine in a Cologne social ghetto: a shabby high-rise complex in which 4,000 people live in 60 countries where crime and unemployment are everyday, where the waste piles up and govern gangs. An oppressive atmosphere. but Depressing is that there really is this problem district in the cathedral city and similar focal points in other cities.

The script was written by the “Tatort” veterans Jürgen Werner. Director Sebastian Ko draws inspiration from the drab surroundings and places them in visually stunning scene. From the balconies objects and people can fall or be pushed – so it was also the brother and the father of Adrian. Now only his mother Pia (Bettina Stucky) left to the Adrian has a close relationship

Anyone who is in the courtyard between the skyscrapers, is always observed by many eyes -. And yet no one sees something, when it matters. Here you can hide by being among people in the middle. Assistant Tobias Reisser (Patrick Abozen) is proud to have concentrated the radius in which the fugitive has to stop: “In one of these houses he is.” Unfortunately, thus still remain close to 1000 apartments, which have to go through the police – Schenk twitches resignedly the shoulders

While Adrian would therefore do everything for his girlfriend -. and does Laura has built a braid lies. From her classmates learn the commissioners that nobody wants to have anything to do with her because she constantly inventive stories. By then it dawns TV viewers that the killer is ultimately a tragic figure. “She’s lying – he dreams”, analyzed Ballauf. “A dangerous mix”, Schenk adds. How this has to end “Tatort”, is almost destined – but it remains exciting until the end


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