Sunday, October 4, 2015

Günther Jauch for refugee crisis: Herbert Gronemeyer will the wealth tax – THE WORLD

parking ‘Just imagine, you come as a refugee in a new country. Manipulated ‘Just imagine, you see the most popular talk show in the country and it is about you and all the others coming into the country refugees. And then add ‘Just think, the talk show host this mission can end the colorful socks of two guests show up close. Is your new home then particularly humorous or particularly silly?

Anyone who disposed of Günther Jauch Close to the beautiful flashy socks by chancellery minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) and singer Herbert Grönemeyer reserves as a last impression of the consignment in memory, has at least recognized the banality of this round. Jauch should provide the prelude to the ARD theme week “home”. What the first such promises there in the next few days come to shipments, seems to illuminate the many facets of the homeland concept originally just overlooking the refugee crisis. But exactly at this originality lacked the talk on Sunday evening completely.

Altmaier called Merkel’s refugee policy “very likely”

There was about Peter Altmaier. Given the many attacks on German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the past few days and in view of their declining poll numbers promised the visit of her chancellery bosses to be exciting. Altmaier would increase the Merkel-critics on their feet? Would he representative of Merkel outline a plan for dealing with Germany the continuing refugee movements in the coming winter months? No, none of that.

Altmaier played from his talk show talent not to be fazed and to secure the friendly tone very long shares of speaking time. Much tangible but did not come here by Altmaier. He defended – what a surprise – the Chancellor. That she might rashly invited the pinning in Hungary refugees, he denied.

“I think from my very deep conviction that this step was right” Altmaier said. It is of Merkel also announced that “in the decisive moments they considered very carefully what she says”. So it was also been at the peak of the international financial crisis, as she explained the savings of the Germans for sure.

dispute with CSU’s all about “nuances”

But what really was amazing how Altmaier upgraded to the continuing sharp criticism from CSU chief Horst Seehofer of the supposedly “very good” deliberate act Merkel. Jauch was importing a whole range of Seehofer quotations in which spoke of this set by Chaos or override rules. And Altmaier? He said seriously, as it did under Franz Josef Strauss there is now even at Seehofer with the boss’s sister party in “nuances” differences.

How long does Chancellor Merkel was the criticism?

              Resistance to the refugee policies of Angela Merkel is growing. More and more German politicians call for a limitation of immigration. You see Germany on the brink of its capacity Source:. The World

“nuances” – what a naughty trivialization. Only on repeated insistence intensified the head of the chancellery assessing the raging crash with the Bavarians to “differences of opinion”. But this alone winds betrayed in a largely publicly-run dispute that Altmaier had been sent by Merkel mainly to good weather make in Jauch talk.

Unfortunately, it did not succeed the presenter to create a confrontation between Altmaier and Fürth Sozialamt boss Michaela Vogel Reuther. Bird Reuther the overstrained assistant should represent locally. Although Jauch played a number of scenes in which the many difficulties in coping with the refugee crisis locally in Fürth were the topic. And bird Reuther doubt also to the political decisions. But this conflict petered out completely.

Grönemeyer for sponsorship of refugees

For Herbert Grönemeyer tried – often in combination with talc host Ranga Yogeshwar – his to set the tone. Grönemeyer is one of the godfathers of the theme week “home”. And he made in Jauch spokesman for the many Germans who take positive despite all the problems the refugees. “We should really try with the euphoria that prevails in society, to address these issues”, Grönemeyer said. He made together with Yogeshwar a charming sounding proposal. The Germans should simply take over a sponsorship for each refugee. “Because we are a people against” all could learn from such a model.

It was a pity, however, that the singer is not deepened his own idea. He had about a foundation announce that brings such sponsorships on the path. Or does Grönemeyer that simply ventilating proposals at the end leads to solutions? That does not work, he should know for his many political statements over the years of his artistic existence.

One year escape in four minutes

              Neither capsizing boats still violent policemen could prevent the Syrian Maher H. from coming to Germany. . He has documented with a camcorder His one-year escape Source: The World

The best example is another idea, which earned the 59-year-old. “You can consider if you do not the high earners in Germany is something about money also.” A temporary tax on the rich, whose proceeds go to refugees – with the advantage that the average consumer does not feel left alone with the refugee costs. Even that sounds good. But the one hand, as a collector of expensive watches and appearing on the other hand involved in projects to combat poverty Grönemeyer seems to use the wealth tax arbitrarily.

Already in 2010, he called it, as well as his longtime rival Marius Müller-Westernhagen. Thus, the two wanted to close the widening gap between rich and poor in Germany. And in 2007, said Grönemeyer “taz”, in his opinion, the policy would best first picked up the solidarity surcharge after reunification with the rich.

That Grönemeyer lived in all these years of political demands in London, makes the apparently arbitrary demand for a VAT increase in Germany not credible. But interested credibility? We want to see socks! Best possible colorful, acting as cheerful.


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