Wednesday, October 7, 2015

TV Column “Mario Barth reveals”: Super Mario: Stuttgart 21 is worse … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 07.10.2015, 23:46 · FOCUS editor Beate Strobel
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Mario Barth scrolls again in the Black Book of control sins. And may again denounce small and larger money burns. Barth’s new favorite: Stuttgart 21. Because the Swabians everything better – even waste

BER is always.. A Lach plate for the 21st century, an expensive, admittedly, but nevertheless: If you already can not land there, but then laugh about it at least. With the BER, the Berlin thought they did it: poor but sexy forever

The can be anything – even expensive

But.! denkste: Baden-Württemberg can be anything, even waste. For TV control sins investigator Mario Barth now at the forefront of the major construction projects that cost a lot, but do not help: “Stuttgart 21″, this underground track symphony in minor. 6.8 billion have Schwaben – precisely this tribe with the piggy-DNA – so far there is not thrown out the window, but verbuddelt in downtown. And that is a cap of 4.5 billion euros. But actually expects the rail with € 11 billion cost. For the new railway station but also provide 32 trains per hour, while it brings the old just an hour on 39 trains. Take that, Berlin

Another through ball for Wutbürger Barth: G7 in Castle Ellmau. EUR 360 million for an advertising film with seven heads of government and the Bavarian wheat beer in the lead roles. 2.2 million euros alone for the chic steel fence across hill and dale. EUR 900 000 for the helipad behind the hotel. Why favorable if there is another expensive

A roof for open-air stadium

sheep also makes costs, anticipates Barth: A chic railroad crossing for cyclists about whose bike trail, however it opens right and left in the open countryside. A highway bridge with an observation deck for EUR 150 000. In addition, because the view of highways as we know is a dream. Three million euros for a new rain canopy above an open-air arena in Schwerin.

A port for the Teltow Canal: had cost point so far eleven instead of the planned 3.8 million euros because 19 endangered lizards rescued still fast and the contaminated soil to be filtered , A playground in Chemnitz with just a climbing frame, but for 57 000 Euro. Since not only the infant.

With a little help crying Barth has charged for its new four episodes into the studio. RTL broadcasting faces like comedian Ingo Appelt, lawyer Christopher Posch and Dance juror Joachim Llambi. Why the remains unanswered. Perhaps because they are like Barth taxpayers and not funny. Why Dieter Nuhr may sprawling talk in a cutaway gag about gender madness and his penis, also remains a mystery. Transmission of time combined with low capacity utilization humor? Mario Barth, please reveal

hyperactivity minus Humor

Nevertheless: There are more stupid broadcasts as “Mario Barth reveals”. Someone, after all, has to film the Black Book of waste control for home cinema. If it just only not nationals Barth would be revealing here. Verbal bustle plus Berlin tongue plus puberty Humor: The ADHD Comedian Barth longer listening than 30 minutes, can lead to cerebral trembling and shrinking nerves; to further risks and side effects ask your doctor or Ritalin dealer.

The saddest part of the story is that Mario Barth earned on denunciation of tax money wasted. This is then taxed course. Government revenues, which are then churned happily in more megalomania projects. And so new mario Leaks provoke. It will therefore never end. . Thank you da not, Uncle Sam

Video: Mario Barth puts “? Understand Fun” – Moderator purely

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