The eight million Swedish crowns (approximately 860,000 euros) doped Nobel Prize for Literature 2015 goes to the Belarusian author Svetlana Alexievitch. This was announced by the Nobel Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm. Alexijewitsch was for days as the favorite in the betting offices and had been traded in the past few years as a contender for the award.
Svetlana Alexievitch was born in 1948 in western Ukrainian Stanislaw. She worked first as a journalist and as a teacher. Since her books were banned under the Belarusian regime, she lived for many years abroad, where it has already been considered for its works with numerous awards, among them the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. In 2011 she moved in spite of their oppositional stance back to Minsk. “I want to live at home, see grow up among my people, my grandson,” she said. In addition, source of her work had always been talking with the people. “And I do best here and in my language,” Alexijewitsch said.
Svetlana Alexijewitschs plants are so-called “novels of voices” in which they can become poetic collages interviews with witnesses. Alexijewitsch procured human hearing, which have become by the hard life of their homeland by war and persecution to invalids.
For the first time tested method of documentary storytelling Alexijewitsch her in her 1983 novel, The war has no female face . More than two million copies of the book have been sold so far. It is based on the reports of women who fought during the Nazi regime against Germany: doctors, partisans, parachutists inside.
In her novel zinc Jews (1989) Alexijewitsch processes the experiences of veterans of the Soviet Afghan campaign. Even the mothers of fallen soldiers have their say. Similarly meadow Alexijewitsch portrayed the late nineties, the survivors of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. In Germany the book appeared in 2001 under the title Chernobyl. A chronicle of the future. is the main factory Alexijewitschs thrift time (2013). Alexijewitsch gathered in this novel the traces of what has caused the failed communist experiment in the Soviet Union with the people.
In the jury of the Nobel Prize, it means that you get the award “for their polyphonic work that sets a monument to suffering and courage in our time”.
“Fantastic!” have the reaction of Alexijewitsch gelautet when her phone was announced on the Nobel Prize-message reports the jury spokeswoman Sara Danius. In Swedish TV the new Nobel laureate expressed: “That is very great to get this award.” She was honored, now standing in a row with famous writers like Boris Pasternak.
Former Hanser publisher Michael Krüger, who has transferred many of the books of Alexijewitsch in Germany, was delighted about the award and raised again express Alexijewitschs role in the opposition in Belarus as well as against the Russian President Vladimir Putin forth. Alexijewitsch was always received with the research for her novels enormous risks, says Krüger, who hopes that the Nobel Prize contributes to Alexijewitsch will largely untouchable: “It is a great icon of the resistance movement are”.
The Nobel Prizes
With the foundation of the Nobel prizes did the Swedish researchers and industrialist Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) to solve a conflict that influenced his life: the inventor of dynamite could not get over that his discovery was used for the war.
The dedicated pacifist bequeathed his fortune finally a foundation. The resulting interest payments should prices for those finance which “have proven the most benefit in the previous year of humanity”.
The Nobel Prize juries, however, are gone over years, if not decades, to wait until they give the price. The reason given is that it was not surprising clear whether a performance is really of such great importance that they should be honored with a Nobel Prize.
doping and ceremony
The prizes are awarded since 1,901th The doping increased from an initial 150,800 Swedish kronor to ten million kronor (about one million euros). From 2012, the sum was reduced by 20 percent in order to continue to finance the tasks of the Foundation. Thus the price is now endowed with eight million crowns, the equivalent of around 878,000 euros.
Up to three people can share a scientific prize. The Nobel Peace Prize will also be awarded to organizations.
On the death of Alfred Nobel, December 10, will be awarded the prizes. The honorees will receive a certificate and a gold medal bearing the likeness of the founder. In addition, fill out the accounts of the award winners with the prize money, which must be taxed. If there are multiple award winners in a category, it will split.
In addition to the actual Nobel Prize is an award for economics in memory since 1969 to 0″ p class => Price Rain
<" Alfred Nobel awarded. It was donated by the Bank of Sweden 1968th
Since 1980, the Foundation for the award real life forgives those who are often called Alternative Nobel Prizes Right Livelihood Award.
The prize winner for physics and chemistry always of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the medicine from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and the literature prize winner of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts selected.
The peace prize winners, one committee of the Norwegian Parliament in Oslo.
announcement of 2015
Traditional every year in October initially announced the honorees in the category known medicine, followed by physics, chemistry, literature, peace and the winners of the award the Sveriges Riksbank in honor of Alfred Nobel. ZEIT ONLINE transmits the live stream of the announcement.
The Winners 2015 include:
Nobel Prize for Medicine / Physiology – for the discovery of drugs against parasites
Nobel Prize in Physics – for the evidence that neutrinos transform
Nobel Prize in Chemistry – for the recognition how our genetic material (DNA) repair themselves
Literature Nobel Prize – for Svetlana Alexievitch
Friday, October 9: Nobel Peace Prize – announced from 11.00 clock
Monday 12 October: Economic Price – Announcement from 13.00 clock
Last year, the Frenchman Patrick Modiano was honored. By the will of the entrepreneur Alfred Nobel, who wrote poems and dramas themselves, to the excellent work of high literary merit to be and serve the good of mankind. The price is awarded each December 10, Nobel’s death in Sweden’s capital Stockholm.
For the Nobel Prize you have to be nominated – from an earlier award winners themselves, a professor from the relevant sector in Scandinavia or academics, which the Nobel Committee is worthy. The youngest award winner was in 1907 with 42 years Rudyard Kipling ( The Jungle Book ), the oldest at 88 years in 2007 laureate Doris Lessing ( The Golden Notebook ). In the betting lists were found this time some candidates who were already in the past as a potential prize winners: In addition to the Japanese Haruki Murakami (66) and the American Philip Roth (82) was also his countrywoman Joyce Carol Oates (77) is not the first time counted for narrow circle of favorites for the price.
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