Wednesday, October 14, 2015

“A chick is Mama”: even more intimate details in Daniela Katzenberger … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 10.14.2015, 10:53
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Daniela Katzenberger has already done again: The TV-blonde brings “A chick is Mama” her now third book on the market and saves it not with all kinds of intimate details

According to their documents. Soap “Daniela Katzenberger – With Lucas in Babyglück” sets the TV blonde with her book “A chick is Mama – Nine months on the way to Katzenbaby” (Plassen Verlag, 200 pages, 16.99 euros) go one better and portrays openly the stages of her pregnancy. About the night of procreation, the naming or the reactions of grandparents on the pleasure message – there is seemingly nothing that Daniela Katzenberger not want to share with the public. Here are some highlights from her third book now:

The “night of nights”

“The day or the night of procreation. I remember it very well, “Daniela Katzenberger begins her chapter on the” night of nights “. “It was Nicholas. (…) I was specially flown to Mallorca to spend a few days with Lucas. “The night of procreation was very noisy, the TV-blonde recalls. “Not because Lucas and me, but because of my fast-laws next door. (…) The room of Lucas, so the guest wing, is just off the living room. And since just ran a repeat of the ‘crime scene’. And so loud that I could count the bodies. “Although they have yet found the cries of the Commissioners and the Geballere the killer a little disturbing. “But not bothersome enough to abandon the most beautiful thing in the world.”

The pregnancy test

“Nothing like her with ‘nem pregnancy test. Sounds so simple at first. (…) Well my personal ‘Katze’-only problem was that there is not a single drug store or pharmacy gave throughout Ludwigshafen, where you did not know me, “Katzenberger explained in the section” My breasts make me afraid. ” Ultimately, it is 20 km to Mannheim went to stock up with three pregnancy tests. All three tests they finally made together with Lucas. After “infinitely long minutes (…) it’s there, the result. Please do not ask me anymore, the order in which I realized what’s going on. I only know that I looked at once in succession on a smiley, a plus sign and two red bars. YES, YES, YES – YES three times. Jackpot! No doubt! PREGNANT! Lucas crying, I’m – relatively rare for me -. Speechless “

The reaction of grandparents

” Who would have thought that a 28-year-old, adult woman makes itself almost in the pants out of sheer funk to find not the right moment and the judge words to tell his own mother that you now own mother is “Katzenberger summarizes their fear of the hour the truth together. Ultimately, they have jointly decided with Lucas to tell the “exact second at the same time” the expectant grandparents. “Finally! From the Greek cannelloni what good will come out anyway, “finally was the first comment by Mama Iris. The 48-year-old had previously been “deaf Zaziki” suspected because her it apparently could not go fast enough with the pregnancy of her daughter. Lucas ‘dad, Costa, sat down on the other hand, as soon as he had received the good news on Mallorca “in the living room at the table, took out his pendulum and the cards out and informed the expectant father proud:’ It’s a boy, the cards ! do not lie ‘”

A girl named Cordalis

” If I could tinker my baby, just like I baked my dream man, it would look like this: my beauty and Lucas’ intelligence. “From the beginning it was clear that the child was with the last name Cordalis. “Lucas also did not have to argue with me and convince me it was only then. It was my personal wish. (…) So I wanted Lucas somehow make a gift, give a sense of importance. He should feel not only as a producer. “Moreover Cordalis sword better than Katzenberger, the 28-year-old writes.

The perils of pregnancy

“Have you,” Lucas so expect the pink hell. “You thinking before: When the blood test finally showed that it would be a girl, it was clear how hard it is mistaken as to untenrum shave if you as such a monster ball before thee herträgst “Katzenberger asks bluntly their readers. This is an artistic masterpiece, if you want to continue down to be smooth since. I have, with a hand mirror, the best in style, helped me toward the end, so the round belly was. All Ks “In addition, over the months would” disappear from your life (…) Kiefer, knees, ankles, all bones make up suddenly from the field. That is all one. “But nothing doing a pregnant woman so much as stretch marks, the TV-blonde is sure. “I like a stupid dope. Morning noon evening. At home, on the road, if there must be times on the Autobahnklo quickly between his. T-Shirt high, cream up and rub, rub, rub. “

The thing about the kilos

availed In terms Maternity they Katzenberger vigorously in their environment. “I have a not too narrow Mother (…) and a government guy by my side. Means that I can use in many wardrobes. The jeans by Lucas I wore for example until the eighth month. The shirts, blouses and Hängerchen my mother had made for me. “Instead of buying maternity clothes, they coincided with” after-pregnancy clothes “a. “I dragged bags of T-shirts and jeans in size 36 home. (…) Since you want pure, Dani again, I always said to myself. “By Christmas, the goal is 70 kilos. “But I go to the gently, very gently. Mir are the women with these same after childbirth nearly perfect bodys always a bit scary. (…) 70 kilos until Christmas and next year then as nearly 60 kilos, that would be great. 57 kilos were my absolute ideal weight. “

Sex in pregnancy

” Sometimes I ask myself, where is coming from for anything in the world this misconception that pregnant women should have no more sex ” , the cat begins her chapter on “Sex with baby bump”. “I can only tell you from my experience: sex with baby belly is beautiful! There is no better and no worse than before, (…) it’s just different. Initially not, but logically goes with increasing waist circumference no longer anything or it is at least more difficult. For other positions are interesting and I find it now absolutely nothing at all, which is not possible if you really want it “

In the video:. Hair from? Katzenberger shows up on the Internet with short hair

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