Wrote numerous partnership advice. the presenter Erika Berger, 2007 at the Frankfurt book Fair “http://schema.org/Person” © Frank May / dpa

The author and presenter Erika Berger died. The Cologne Fire Department confirmed late on Sunday a report of Cologne Express . More details on the circumstances of death did not make the fire department. According to the report of the newspaper the 76-year-old should be collapsed before the eyes of a friend in the early afternoon. The friend called the emergency services. But the emergency doctor could determine only the death of TV presenter after unsuccessful resuscitation.

Known Berger was in the eighties as Sexspezialistin. 1987 launched the highly successful call-in show A chance for love on the then fledgling commercial station RTL. During the show, viewers could call Berger and seek advice from her live on TV to erotic questions. That was true for that time as a taboo. The broadcast reached an audience of millions, Berger was henceforth regarded as “sex expert” Germany, but polarized strongly. The presenter has been criticized among others by sex therapists for propagating infidelities. 1991 broadcast by the talk show The threesome was replaced, the Berger also moderated.

The tabloid journalism was Bergers field: Before her television career Berger had worked as a journalist for various tabloids, including for the Bild newspaper and various magazines. 1986 journalist had the guide The bed Knigge: Published Dealing with the beloved opposite sex . She later wrote numerous other books about partnership, eroticism and sexuality. In addition, she was seen until shortly before her death again and again on TV – either in their own broadcasts or erotic expert.