Wednesday, May 25, 2016

“Captain America”: New Comic plays on Donald Trump to – SPIEGEL ONLINE

In the cinema, the world is still in order. There, in the early summer blockbuster “Civil War,” said Marvel superhero Captain America strikes again around with conflicts that have long history in the comic universe. Or rather. You are currently again varies in a match the film start-launched series of booklets called “Civil War II” new and with other staff

Steve Rogers aka Captain America plays no major role, he was looking at recent events already almost retired, an old, his forces largely deprived security official who ceded his forged Vibranium and Adamantium shield and the heroic daily operations to his long-faithful sidekick Sam “Falcon” Wilson.

With a new series of booklets, which started on Wednesday, Rogers returns but now rejuvenated and strengthened back (How to complicated to spread here?) – And raises the internal political threats to its old nemesis, the villainous Baron Zemo and the Nazi criminals Red skull.

In the written by Nick Spencer and drawn by Jesus Saiz Story agitating the latter, a bad guy with blood-red skeleton skulls, as a political Pied the crowded poverty, political disillusionment and economic prospects at the margins of society Americans against immigrants and ethnic minorities. The refugees that he had just experienced in his European homeland, the precarious would take now soon in the US jobs away and would degrade the American culture.

parallels to Trump and populism

If a familiar? The parallels to the anti-Establishment- and anti-tolerance rhetoric rather national European populists, but especially the US campaigner Donald Trump, are obvious – long referred to the large, the Disney Group subsidiary Marvel publisher no longer so bluntly political position , No question, in view of such supervillain it needs a super patriots as Captain America all the more urgent to protect the true libertarian and civil values.

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Disney / Marvel

“Captain America” ​​in the cinema: a fighter for the good


But as simple as that is now no longer as clear as it once can not be performed, even in the happy times simplistic comic world concepts like heroism and patriotism. Because in a remarkable plot twist suggests Spencer in his new story now that Steve Rogers, the Super Soldier with the Stars-and-Stripes Dress who fought already in World War II against the Nazis, that this original American hero might always was since childhood, an agent of evil and is to this day.

“Hail Hydra” says Rogers on the last page of the first Issue – and takes readers a month guessing whether he is actually a sleeper of the global organization of the same name, which was once in the comic history founded in Nazi Reich and since then with sinister methods seeks world domination.

View in a dystopian future

, the competent editor Tom Brevoort told the magazine “Time”, meant nothing less “than that of the most trustworthy hero the Marvel universe now an undercover agent of Hydra is a fact that at present only known to himself and the readers. This gives every interaction he has with other characters, a second level, a new meaning. ”

The socially relevant level right in the US primary campaign was certainly intended, says Brevoort: “We are trying to write books that are in the world and the spirit of justice in 2016″. This applies especially for a 1941 imported tradition titles as “Captain America”, which sometimes was because of its ultra-conservative, jingoistic trains over the decades repeatedly criticized. Author Nick Spencer was a political head, so Brevoort, who follow the presidential election closely. Thanks to him, the series could prepare political content metaphorically: “This gives our story more weight.”

conjectures, it could only be a short-lived gimmick or a clever reader deception to sell more books of the first edition Nick Spencer rebutted in an interview with “Entertainment Weekly”: “This is not a clone, not an impostor, it’s not about brainwashing or a lookalike,” says the author, “this is really Steve Rogers, Captain America himself.”

In the comic itself served the organization Zemo and Red Skull young Americans who drills with blatantly racist propaganda to fanatical suicide bombers. For Spencer a look at a dystopian future: “What we see an adaptation of modern terror tactics,” he said, “Entertainment Weekly”.

For him it was interesting to imagine if white, right-wing movements that have much feed in reality, young recruit people such as the IS. “The point is to think a little forward and imagine how the world would be like if these organizations would use such tactics.”

remains open initially, the role of the veteran heroes in this new world order play. Away from the civil order they stood with their heroic vigilantism always a bit.


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