Thursday, October 29, 2015

Fassbender plays “Macbeth” for the “Game of Thrones” generation “- T-Online

For more than 400 years Macbeth assassinates on the theater stages of the world. The Australian director Justin Kurzel now venturing with an outstanding cast – Michael Fassbender as Macbeth and Marion Cotillard as Lady Macbeth – again at the piece from the late 16th century.

The play is the rise and fall of an obsessed by ambition and thirst for power ruler in medieval Scotland. The extremely visually powerful, rough-emotional interpretation of the Australian Justin Kurzel with the charismatic stars Michael Fassbender (soon in “Steve Jobs”) and Marion Cotillard (Oscar-winning “La vie en rose”) as a murderous prince pair grabs the viewer. Critics already paid tribute to the work as lyrically reduced, but highly intrusive “Shakespeare for” Game of Thrones “generation”.

Although the director “Macbeth” leaves in the Middle Ages. Yet the production also acts as if it were an interpretation of the various power struggles in the Middle East with its many merciless warriors – and related women. Battles that have moved us through the asylum flows from the region at a time at first hand.

Kurzel shows what the war with men

In the pale, almost colorless scenarios Kurzel shows the drastisch- directly, which can describe in his play only in words of the British playwright: What makes war with men. The battle of Macbeth and his faithful Banquo (Paddy Considine) initially victorious thanks to their boldness emerge is experiencing due to the close to the ground mud mounted cameras in their brutality in slow motion: In lonely, inhospitable-barren highlands nature, wrapped in cold and Fog, go roaring soldiers, often with children’s faces, hardly protected at each other and stand on another.

If Macbeth Holds thereafter still for a man of moderation, it’s easy for his ambitious wife, him having sex and sweet words to transform into a monster: Benevolent King Duncan (David Thewlis), he should kill to itself to be according to the prophecy of three witches King – and Queen

During a misdeed quickly the other after. runs – so the whole family can Macbeth his adversary Macduff (Sean Harris) executed -, the eponymous hero is unstoppable fanatic (“full of scorpions is my mind”) and megalomaniac. His wife, however haunt the demons of her guilt, feverishly they adversely converts and dies in madness

Misunderstood religiosity

In all the film religiosity plays the role misunderstood at:. Important Scenes form a small (shot) Feldkapelle and Ely Cathedral in southern England, a started in the eleventh century magnificent building of ornamental beauty. These frames refer to the self-confidence of the couple in his prestigious position as willed by God. They emphasize the contrast but also so far from God, erzböse bustle of both tyrants.

Even at the youngest, the seeds of violence going on

Kurzel “Macbeth” begins with the funeral of the only child the antihero: Macbeth puts his stones in the eye sockets before you burn it in the barren landscape. Boys and girls as heirs of war and cruelty then act as a leitmotif in the following events. Not only – as indeed in the past and present – drafted teenagers in the war

At the end of the seed of violence seems already to be working with the youngest: Fleance, Banquo’s little son and according to witch oracle future king. , Macbeth Kriegsschwert picks it up and goes to meet the dawn.

tradition of top-class “Macbeth” -Verfilmungen

Even earlier, the power-hungry ruler who creates his opponents always unscrupulous aside and so continuously new hatred and hostility provoked, already left a trail of blood in the movies.

The adaptation of the eponymous Shakespearean verse drama of 1606 through the canvas genius Orson Welles (1947), Akira Kurasawa (“Throne of Blood”, 1957 ) and Roman Polanski (1971) are among the most spectacular unforgettable.


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