Sunday, January 4, 2015

“Tatort” today from Vienna: “code name Kidon” is worth seeing – T-Online

Who <"TshowLinkInXML" span class => “Tatort” with Cristian elms and Hoku Ho was annoyed at the New Year’s eve due to fuss from that which could be the first with his contemporary thriller from Vienna placate again. For the “Tatort: ​​code name Kidon” (ARD at 20:15 clock) revolves around a serious and politically charged topic. The focus of the story are agents of the Mossad, representatives of the gun lobby and the smuggling of components for nuclear reactors in Iran.

From the top floor of a Wiener-class hotel in a man plunges into the depths. The Iranian diplomat and nuclear physicist Dr. Bansari apparently committed suicide. But why he bought more expensive opera tickets for the same night? Moritz Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer) and his colleague Bibi Fellner (Adele Neuhauser) want to pursue the question. But immediately mingling at the Iranian embassy and the Austrian Foreign Ministry

Parts of nuclear reactors in Iran

The case is subject to the strictest secrecy -. Laptop and cell phone dead will be confiscated. The two investigators are eaten, but do not give up. The surveillance video of the hotel leads to track down the dodgy lobbyists John Leopold dress rock-Lisse (Udo Samel). This had arranged with Dr. Bansari a secret deal


If you look at the new “crime scene” from Vienna?

Eisner and Fellner find out that it comes to components for nuclear reactors are needed and should be sent with a trainload of third countries to Iran. For the two investigators face a race against time, and with the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

In addition to complications such as in a spy thriller Crime has quite the action-packed scenes. For example, as Eisner and Fellner have to bring a freight train at full speed to a stop. Acting-shines with the investigator duo mainly Udo Samel as a fashionable designers and crafty lobbyist. We believe that this “scene” is always worth seeing

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