Sunday, October 16, 2016

“Beat the Star”: Fabinan Hambüchen beats comedian Ceylan –

If the former turn flea Fabian hops around Hambüchen in the ball pit, then the rate. The bill went on for the Pro-Seven-Show “beat the Star”. The balls-Battle with Bülent Ceylan, a brought to the Sender in addition to rate but also a small Shitstorm.

cult comedian against an Olympic champion – a hard duel because you have to fight with hard bandages. But Cheating? No, that’s not the point! At least you didn’t get picked up – something like that could have Bülent thought of Ceylan. Or understood Hambüchen Elton’s announcement, miss?

Bülent Ceylan was able to win this Match, at the end of the high-performance won clearly athlete and 100,000 Euro price secured the money.

“sweating like an animal”

In the run-up were to spit all the great sounds from both. “I’m going to give every game everything, never give up and fight like an animal! “promised Turn-ACE Fabian Hambüchen. Comedian Bülent Ceylan countered: “I’m sweating to death, everything! As Monnemer I never give up! I’m not afraid of an Olympic champion, on the contrary, it motivates me! It’s on now. Uffbasse!”

not the one that is supposed to, namely, Moderator Elton had been paying Attention then. On Twitter, viewers reacted with disgust, Elton’ve stopped the time wrong and Ceylan cheating.

Elton did not pay attention

And the task was: In a glass box numbered balls flew through the air. The two candidates should catch the balls in the correct order and sorted in a tube throw. Elton allowed, the balls briefly, but not for as long and as many as the comedian. The athlete resisted the rules and let the wrong numbers again and again fall. The spirit of sport.

“Hot entertainment”

Hambüchen, he was still enthusiastic: “a hell of A show! It was one of the most exciting and most thrilling stories in which I’ve ever participated in.” Ceylan comforted himself with the statement: “He is twelve years younger than I am and could be my son.”

kudos, there were also other sports, gun, Ski, Star, Sven Hannawald. The former Skisprinmger wrote on Twitter: “Great entertainment”.

downward trend of quotas

stopped Not only the audience liked it. 2.11 million (8.6 percent) followed from 20.15 clock, the duel, the art Turner decided 65:26 points. So the Sender was able to invert with Stars from Sport and Comedy to the recent downward trend in the ProSieben Show “Schlag den Star”. Has lost the “super talent” RTL: 2,06 million and 21.5 percent, the Show nevertheless won the Saturday. In terms of total audience, the front of the daily show” and “Stralsund””.


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