Monday, February 23, 2015

Oscars 2015: What remains of the Academy Awards – STAR

E s are Oscar moments for eternity. The touching for example: A tearful Gwyneth Paltrow, who barely gets out a sound of sheer howl for her first Oscar in 1999. The strong: In 2002, with Denzel Washington and Halle Berry for the first time in the history of the Academy Awards, two African American prices for Best Actor obtained. Or the funny: Like last year, as hostess Ellen DeGeneres probably the best known Selfie ever shot

And then there’s Oscar moments more like a Ben Stiller comedy. act. Very nice to look at, but not sustainable impressive. No eureka moment, no big feelings, no goosebumps. The Oscar night 2015 had unfortunately many of these rather weak moments. Although Host Neil Patrick Harris caused some laughter, for example, as he stood in panties on stage, but otherwise the ceremony was as harmless as a Tupperware evening. Too predictable, too smooth, too perfect.

The Merkelisierung the Academy

It almost seems as if the Academy has Copied its new course with Angela Merkel. Just do not upset anyone, just do not make unpopular decisions. There will be honored only those films that are suitable for mainstream. Thus, the decisions of the Academy moved within a clear scheme: Before and behind the camera were mainly white men, and almost all the nominated films tell of problems of the white (US) middle class. Whether “The discovery of infinity”, for the outstanding Eddie Redmayne was honored as a physicist Stephen Hawking rightly as the best performer, or “Birdman” a washed up Hollywood actor. Black actors were only allowed to hand over prices, but receive none. “Today we honor Hollywood’s Whitest, uh, sorry, Brightest,” Host Neil Patrick Harris had at the beginning of the show still predicts sarcastically. Political impulses? Forget it!

Amidst an almost boring unwound show provided the winner the strongest and most memorable moments. Patricia Arquette took the stage for the first call of the evening. “Now finally has come our moment – for equal pay and equal rights for women in the United States of America,” she cried under the frenetic applause of stars like Meryl Streep. John Legend, who won for the “Selma” song “Glory”, recalled in his speech to the inequality, which brought in recent months as black citizens in Ferguson marches on the street: “Today, there are more blacks under the control of Justice as in the days of slavery in 1850. People who march to our song should know that we are with you. March on! “

Strong acceptance speeches rather shallow jokes

One of the most political statements of the evening came in the last minute. Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu had kept his Oscar acceptance speech for best film ever since he grabbed the microphone again. He is dedicated to his prize giving young immigrants in the USA: “I pray that they will be treated with the same dignity and the same respect as those who came before them and have built this incredible immigrant nation,” he said with his trophy in the hand.

singer John Legend, who won the Academy Award for Best Original Song for “Glory” in the civil rights drama “Selma”, recalled how current the subject of racism. “Selma” is now because of the struggle for freedom and justice right now taking place. (…) There are now more blacks under control of the judiciary as the days of slavery in 1850. People who march to our song, to know that we are with you. ! March on, “he said in his acceptance speech

His speech was symptomatic of this 87th Academy Awards. Strong winner with a political message to an otherwise dreary and uneventful evening Only the to give decision of the Academy, the Academy Award for Best Documentary at the German co-production “Citizen Four” about Edward Snowden, can be regarded as an exciting political footnote. After all.


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