Thursday, December 15, 2016

Nadja abd el Farrag: How bad your mental illness is? –

In Peter Zwegats the first prominent case was the debt Advisor “to do getting Out of debt” with a rather violent matter: Nadja abd el Farrag has no fixed address, no job, hardly any revenue. Zwegat experienced this Situation, although frequently in the case of his client, but Naddel was a special case. The Reality star emphasized time and again, to want to work in normal Jobs as a geriatric nurse, however, as it is in a concrete way, makes the 51-Year-old back down. Zwegat makes her an announcement that the Hamburg expressed interest, but then not even more at your potential employer. How can that be? Blame your ADHD is a disease, is diagnosed by a psychologist and a neurologist. But how bad is it really to Naddel?

Nadja abd el Farrag has suffers from ADHD

After all, Nadja no Addiction-disease, is not an alcoholic, as many had thought due to unfavorable appearances of her so far. the “I suspect that we have to do it with another site, namely a Form of ADHD (adult ADHD). This means Fears, concentration problems and that some things be forgotten. We could be noise, for example, to us, like the chirping of a bird hide, the wife of abd del Farrag not”, the psychologist.

problems in profession and relationships

The former girlfriend of the Pop-Titan Dieter Bohlen has adult ADHD, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, are not able to determine at the time of the problems involved in the job or in interpersonal relationships, often even. As a result, a higher risk for unemployment, neglect and accidents – all characters are to Naddel. Is treated this disorder with medication, but also to accompany with a Psycho – or behavior therapy.

Why no one noticed?

the fact that the disease was finally recognized, Naddel a real Chance again in your life back. It’s just a pity that only a Peter Zwegat had to appear to recognize the character within just two interviews: getting antsy, frantic, forgetful, difficulty concentrating – why has not seen before, someone in Naddels environment? But the main thing is that the Majorca-can be helped singer at last.


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